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Volunteer Jobs

There are plenty of volunteer jobs during the 2024 season as we participate in tri-meets. Nevertheless, if you have signed up for a volunteer position and are unable to fulfill your commitment please try to find another parent who can replace you in that role or contact the pool ASAP.  The list of positions below are what is required during a tri-meet when the teams are competing in-person.
  • SET UP:
    • Prepare the pool area for a meet including: set up the bleachers, setup and label coaches chairs, remove diving boards. Set up the backstroke flags, lane lines, scoring tent & table, ribbon table, starter. If needed, help prepare the concession area.
    • 6 timers are needed for each meet.
    • 6 timers plus 2 head timers are needed for each home meet
    • Timers stand at one end of the pool and start the timer when the event starts and stops the timer when the swimmer touches the wall.
    • Head timer starts two watches and provides their times for any lanes that miss the start. No prior training needed.
    • These judges will be positioned near the diving blocks and monitor the relay exchanges. No prior training needed.
    • These judges walk the sides of the pool and identify if swimmers perform a stoke illegally.
    • This is a trained position. Please let team rep know if you are interested in training.
    • The referee shall have full authority over all officials except when a safety hazard proclamation has been issued by the Meet Director, and shall assign, and instruct all officials accordingly.
    • This adult shall enforce all the rules and decisions of the GDSA, and shall decide all questions relating to the actual conduct of the meet, the final settlement of which is not otherwise assigned by said rules.
    • This adult can overrule any meet official on a point of rule interpretation, or on a judgment decision pertaining to an action which he/she has personally observed.
    • This is a trained position. Please let team reps know if you are interested in training.
    • The starter directs swimmers to ‘take your mark’ and start the race.
    • This is a trained position. Please let team reps know if you are interested in training.
    • This person will work during home meets to record the times and scores of the swimmers. This position involves working on a computer. This is a trained position.
    • This position is labeling ribbons during home meets.
    • Setup concession stand.
    • This position will be working at the concession stand during home meets.
    • The runner collects timer sheets and official’s DQ slips after each event and delivers them to the scoring table.
  • CLERK of Course
    • 2 adult volunteers 
    • These adults will organize kids prior to each event in area away from the starting blocks to manage social distancing
    • These adults will direct kids to the starting blocks prior to their event and guide the youngest age groups to their appropriate starting block

Thanks again for helping! The meets run smoothly and are FUN for all when scheduled volunteers show up for their assigned jobs.

If for any reason you cannot meet your commitment, PLEASE FIND A REPLACEMENT – we’re counting on you!

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